Sunday, February 27, 2011

2d Icons

2D icons along with other objects are notable for their flexibility. This is achieved by the peculiarity of rendering them at different resolutions ideal for various output devices.

2D Icons may embody the next items:

  • raster pictures (digital graphics);
  • styled text as a typeset for 2D Icons;
  • vector models (geometric graphics).

The above-mentioned items can be managed by 2D transformations for example rotation, scaling or angular position etc. Meshing basic models you will get more advanced ones.

2D icons usually are not like the real three-dimensional objects but because of the layers technique they can create the illusion of all 3D characteristics like shadow, reflection or highlighting. The layers should keep the definite hierarchy and order carefully. This makes modifying 2D icons and similar objects easier.

2.5D Icons as the pseudo 3D sort of 2D Icons

The layered 2Dicons are usually generally known as 2.5D models. This technology offers web designers ability to work with any layer without the need of touching the others. This type of 2D object creation is liked by the most of the well known graphics editors.

2.5D is a synonym to pseudo 3D. It means "two-and-a-half-dimensional" graphics. Models that were developed with a help of with 2.5D technology appear to be tridimensional while in fact they aren't. The featured projection depicts both front and side views.

This technology used for designing 2D web icons is frequently attained by the special lighting effect. 3D illusion can be reached as a result of virtual light source to the left or to the right side and above the users monitor.

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